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~ To our beloved bookish members and supporters ~

Shipping Updates

Thank you for staying with us, for allowing us to learn and grow, and for giving us the grace to improve. We are working with limited resources and a small team, but continue to have your satisfaction be our #1 priority.

All outstanding orders WILL be fulfilled, and are going out every week.

Starting with our March Boxes, we are offering past titles from a previous month in order to help us get caught up. With this, we will resume our normal shipping schedule: all March boxes will go out towards the end of March, with the boxes of a previous month.

Thank you tremendously your patience, grace, support, feedback and understanding!

-Natisha Asbell

Last updated: 3/5

Starting to Ship

May Boxes

First wave going out week of 3/9

We will be shipping boxes in the following order:

1. Lies and Weddings

2. If Something Happens to Me

3. Past titles

Preparing to Ship

November + March Boxes

November and March boxes will begin shipping at the end of March.
